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Database Programming Tools

Oracle SQL Generator

Six Sigma CASE, Inc

Oracle SQL Output Generator creates ORACLE SQL. Standard CREATE TABLEstatements are generated. The tables created include the associated dataitems, types, descriptions, and UNIQUE and NOT NULL flags. The generatoralso creates PRIMARY and FOREIGN KEY statements using the keys for eachtable. Data items that are in Canonizer's data item dictionary, but thatdo not appear in any table, are listed in comments at the end of thegenerated file.The generator normally outputs the data type of each item as it appearsin the Canonizer. However, certain data types have minimum and maximumallowable lengths. If no length is given and a minimum length isrequired, the minimum length is used. If a length exceeds the maximumvalue, the maximum length is used. The generated schema file can be usedby ORACLE to automatically create the database.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

Six Sigma CASE, Inc
13456 SE 27th Pl Suite 210
Bellevue, WA 98005
Phone: (206) 643-6911
        (800) 827-4462
Fax: (206) 641-7501